Kaipara College Scholarship 2023
14 February 2024
News • 11 March 2024
Late 2023 the Helensville District Health Trust applied for funding from Auckland Council through their Regional Historic Heritage Grants Programme 2023 - 2024 for the remediation of foundations of the historic heritage building. In February the Trust were delighted at a successful outcome and have secured $20,000, which is to be used as a contribution towards the design of new foundations for the existing building. This certainly is a great result, but the Trust is under no illusions as to the enormity of the overall project to make Alison McKenzie House at 51 Commercial road, safe for reoccupation. "It was a welcomed email to receive on a Friday" says James Scott, General Manager for the Trust. "This is one of two major projects that the Trust is embarking on over the next year or so, so securing this funding means we can progress the project through to building consent, its very exciting! We would like to acknowledge Auckland Council for their contribution towards this project!"
Stay tuned for more updates as the project progresses.